Tuesday, October 26, 2010

City Soul Analogy

In the second half of Book II Socrates makes a stunning analogy. He argues that to understand justice in the individual soul one can turn to justice on a larger scale in the state. Thus in describing his state, he also describes the soul and churns out a simple construct of individuals who do there own work and function well together before turning to a "luxurious state/soul" where war and strife abound and guardians are needed.

So in the vein of Socrates let us now turn to ourselves and the city within:

Describe the kind of city that may adequately reflect your own soul or character? That is, if there was a city that best resembled yourself what would it look like?


  1. If a city were to resemble me it would have the infrastructure of Seaside, Florida. The city would be right on the ocean with beach house. There would be no cars but I would allow for small number of electric golf carts. Most people would have to walk or ride bikes. In my city you could practice any religion but every one has to practice yoga, children as young as four will have to starts to practice yoga. This would very crucial to the health of the city. Also the citizens of the city would be strongly encouraged to take a shot of wheatgrass everyday, this promotes the mental well being of the city. Sailing would be the city sport. Everything the city needed would have to be produced locally, no Wal-Mart. Every family would have to have their own vegetable and fruit garden. Every citizen of the city that is over the age of thirty-five will have the chance to govern the city.

  2. It would be a in a climate that never gets too cold, but isn't humid. The people of the city would be stereotypically be viewed as introverted and pensive, but friendly. The best interests of the community would be put first and foremost, but not at the expense of individual liberty. It would be a city where there is no social shame in expressing your feelings and emotions and working through them. Everyone would have social constructs where you try to help out others around you and be polite. Causing pain and suffering to others needlessly might not necessarily result in litigation, but would have serious social consequences. There would be a very strong emphasis on education and developing individual talents as a way to better your society the way most natural to you, so the arts wouldn't be ignored as they often are in our educational system. The government of this city would be run by those with the best moral and intellectual characters, with a group chosen by popular vote and then the rest of the candidates screened rigorously and transparently by a committee of hard-working members of the community, who would decide then who would go into what positions. The government would try to interfere as little as possible in the lives of the people, but would provide a type of safety net in order to help people who are having difficulty.

  3. I honestly believe that a city can not truly function without the basics, as stated by Socrates when he decides to construct his own city. A city that will best resemble me would be a place of kindness. Its people will be giving, just, and hardworking. My city would be very welcoming and productive. The citizens will only have what they need; this may reduce conflict, because I do not like conflict. The people of my city will be given a set of basic laws; nonetheless these laws will be vital for the progression of my people. I would like to say, that the sun will shine everyday, but that would not help the city al all. Everyone will have a voice in my city, as long as they write a letter or meet with city officials they will be heard. In my city, I want there to be true citizen involvement.

  4. It may seem like a bit of a cop-out, but I'd be willing to defend the view that Socrates' original Luxurious City resembled a utopian, yet eerily realistic projection onto his own life and circumstances; therefore, my own ideal projection of life (Luxurious Soul) is only prevented from existing because I haven't learned to manifest it yet. The descriptions of Socrates' hypothetical city are certainly sensible, and remain consistently grounded by his logic throughout. This is especially true when he is asked to incorporate justice into the narration, describing a city having to regulate justice as "a city with a fever." The logic that ties this statement to everyday lives like mine and yours is also at the root of Socrates' argument for injustice; where any idea of justice, whether it be circumstantial or imagined, is an unfortunate necessity among each other because it validates the Glaucon's position that "the worst [about justice] is to suffer [injustice] without being able to take revenge." Honestly, I would focus on curbing all vengeful feelings in my imaginary city by keeping the population relatively small, allowing for regulated protection of basic human liberties, outlawing currency and replacing it with all the musicians and artists that Socrates left out of the equation. However, ignoring realism in my imagination would be (personally) impossible; so I like New Orleans as it is for now, and will keep imagining myself in an ideal situation until it exists.

  5. If a city were to resemble me, it would be a city which thrives on peace and justice. I would like the citizens to feel at ease in this city. There would be no torment of war or any type of unrest. Citizens would be allowed to have freedom but along with that freedom there will also be a governed set of rules by which the citizens would need to abide by. The city would be ran by educated, moral and intellectual people. The city officials would be chosen in a democratic way. There would be racial and religious tolerance. There would be no discrimination of any sort. Also, there would be public education available to everyone and also every child must be in school. There would also be available health care for all the citizens. Alot of emphasis would be put on the health for the citizens. The city would also be self thriving.

  6. My city would be average looking in terms of buildings and houses. Everyone (for the most part) would be close friends with one other. Schools would be open to everyone, and those without enough money to pay for it will receive financial help. Schools and the parents of children should teach empathy to them. This would decrease the amount of injustice done. Jobs would also be open to everyone and their will always be a job for someone who needs it. The justice system will also be fair to everyone and not biased and anyone who commits a crime will be punished equally regardless of race or status. Laws would remain the same ecept for those that gives advantages to some people at the expense of others. The laws would equally benifit evryone.People from any nation or race would be allowed. They can also practice their own religion as long as it dosen't harm anyone. Everything else would remain the same as other cities.

    My city would be a place where everyone benefits if they try hard and is open to anyone who won't cause harm to others. My idea for the schools and jobs would not only help people but stop injustice caused by poverty. The schools would teach empathy and other things that will discourage injustice. Even though my city can't be completely rid of injustice, it can certainly be minimized. This city is based on my compassionate side and my belief of being fair and helpful to anyone who won't harm others.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. If were to create a city the things most important to me would be equality, freedom, justice. This may sound familiar to those who are familiar with the Founding Fathers; however, I would put these ideals into practice in an entirely different way. The city based on these ideals would reflect my personality and character because the ideals I chose for my city are the ideals I try to use as a basis for my opinions and behavior.

    With regards to equality I would have some what of a utopian style socialism in which every person gave and received equally. Yes, I realize this is idealistic, but it is my perfect city and that is how I would want things. There would be no real competition or difference in earning because each man and woman would work equally and receive equally. This is where justice comes in. If an individual did not work equally, they would not be allowed to live in society, or they would be exiled. If I merely compensated people according to their work then there would be envy and competition among the citizens and I would not want that. (Again, I realize this is completely unrealistic-- it just sounds nice.) Finally, comes the aspect of freedom. Each man/woman would be free to chose what kind of profession they wanted, who they wanted to marry and so forth. People in my perfect city would, most importantly, have the freedom to learn. Each person would be allowed to educate themselves on how other city's function and chose whether or not they wanted to live there.

  9. My city would be near water, preferably on an island like St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands--where the water is always a clear blue and the island is predominately green with white sand beaches. The temperature does not get higher than 70 degrees. From an early age children would be taught strict moral rules and crime would be non-existent. In addition to this children (and adults) would be required to exercise for at least 30 minutes daily. All food would be made by farmers who do not contaminate the food with preservatives or hormones. "Junk food" like chocolate, would exist, but would only be consumed on special occasions and in moderation.
    The people of the town would be like me in the sense that:
    1. They would be selfless and help others in need.
    2. They would show empathy towards others and animals.
    3. They would strive to be successful to obtain good jobs and to better the community.

    As a side note to the last quality, due to the fact that everyone strives to be successful, no one would be in need in the community.

  10. My city first and foremost would have a completely transparent government. This way if the people have a problem with the way something is done, there would be no loopholes or secrets kept from the public. I would keep the population somewhat small to prevent citizens from encroaching on each others property. I believe the smaller the city, the better the interactions among it's people are. Good communication among people I believe is very important because the more people know one another, the more likely they are to lend helping hand to their neighbors.

  11. I would want my city to have a smaller population, and a port, much like New Orleans. I would want to have many mixed cultures so that we can all advance from each other. The city would consist of hard working, open-minded people. Programs for children and the needy would be available and funded by the non-greedy, generous rich people. Citizens would be law -abiding and anyone that disobeys, depending on the crime would be demanded to leave. Education and reading is a big priority along with charity. There would be a lot of parks and green areas especially for wild life.

    And NO SUVS or McDonald's.

  12. My city would be the same as me...neat, ordered, and disciplined. It'd have a sense of timeless class and open friendliness. Its citizens wouldn't be afraid to speak to one another...in fact, they'd encourage it to the their children and friends. Bu these friends would never take advantage of one another, nor would they allow the drama of association to ever get in their way of friendship.
    My city will reward those who work hard, and see those who don't penalized accordingly. Those who study the most and work the hardest will runt he businesses and organizations, while those who don't would be the gas pumpers and register workers (sounds a bit elitist, but these are necessary positions in all modern societies- someone has to do it. Why should it not be those who put the least effort as a contributing member of society?).
    My city would be socially modrate - accepting and tolerating, but not to the point of absurdity. Gutter punks, hippies, gangsters, and people who contribute nothing will not be tolerated. Their failure in society will be testament to their efforts to contribute nothing.
    My city would be fiscally conservative. People will work hard for what they want, the city will not provide what individuals can provide. Essential services, such as emergency services, public school, decent roads, and good infrastructure, will all be preserved.
    Food stamps, unemployment checks, and welfare will not. This is a working city.

  13. When visioning out my own personal city, I would have to lean towards the direction of Socrates. Individuals would work together for the benifit of all their good. The people would be kind, caring and fun loving. Order would be established by laying down certain boundries. In my belief, order cannot be kept without some boundaries as we discussed in class Monday.
    All would be pleasant with an emphasis on music and the arts, being that I am a musician. People of the city would learn to work together as those that do in the music world. Putting aside differences in order to accomplishing one main goal. Men and Women would work together in order to benefit the community.

  14. A place that would best resemble myself and my values would be in many ways similar to the variety of culture we have here in New Orleans. It would be a diverse place that was very open to new ideas and concepts. Art ,music, and literature would dominate the culture and would constantly be progressing. Equality would be the number one virtue in this place. Religion would not be much of a force, as I find it leading to almost inevitable conflict, but everyone would have the freedom to practice as they pleased. Government would be limited, as the people would take it upon themselves to take care of one another's necessities. There would be no imbalance of wealth, as this land would have no capital. It would be independent and self-providing. The people of the city are rich in thought, caring, and hard-working. This will not be a police-state, as the people will handle injustice as a community. They choose not to have a police force as it leads to an unfair imbalance of power and inevitable corruption and animosity. This will not be a city built on "God", but built by and for the people. Family will be a the primary concern and education will would be very diverse and plentiful. And somehow, despite our small population, we would have the world's greatest soccer team.

  15. My city that resembled my soul would be slightly messy but everyone would know where to find things. Hardworking people would surpass all others in my city. Procrastination would be around but things get done on time just as I do. The citizens in my city will make a decent living but they will not live beyond their means. My city will be fully democratic and the media will actually be "fair and balanced".

  16. My city would probably be seemingly disorganized and just completely everywhere. It wouldn't make much sense to anyone outside the city, but for the citizens, it would just work. The reason it would work would be because they adaptable and resilient. Because of this, they are able to take whatever is thrown their way and just go with it. New culture? Bring it. They'll embrace it. A hard time came through? They'll grow and learn from it. Everyone is extremely openminded, and although can sometimes come off as cold or shy, are actually very friendly people. They are also a very close people, so if anyone needs anything, someone will most definitely be there to help, no matter what the situation is. Everyone has a good sense of work and play, and tries to balance out the two as to not get stressed out or bored.

  17. My city would be diverse, socially liberal and relatively young. The city would have a strong justice system so that wrongs can be righted, and victims can have a remedy. The city would promote fairness in the workplace for women, blacks, latinos, and gays. In my city gays will be allowed to marry and muslims will be allowed to pray openly and freely and without persecution. However, this is not the America we live in today.

  18. If a city resembled my soul and character the people would have strong beliefs but still be in touch with reality. People would exhibit loyalty, compassion,excitement and purpose. Everyone would be encouraged to seek out his/her full potential, be that in sports, academics or the working world. People would also not fear being themselves. Government would respect for the individual as a important part of the group. It would be common knowledge that without each individual's unique contribution then the group could not survive. People would be able to easily communicate with one another without fear of that particular person. People would be encouraged to pursue their careers but not at the expense of the group's well-being. There would concern for other members of the group not just oneself and one's own interests. People would lastly be encouraged to see others first as human beings and second for their situation.

  19. All cities must have basic laws that citizens must abide by. A city that resembles me would be a city that is small and along a shore. I do not like big cities because it gets too crowded. Also people in big cities are always in a rush. My city would be very calm and laidback but not overly lazy. Schools would not be struggling for funds. Education would be one of the first things that would recieve grants. My city would probably be clean and organized, but not overly clean or spotless. I do like nice things but nothing extravegant. Therefore buildings and houses would be nicely designed but not over the top or artsy. Also the people would be friendly. Culture and food is a big part of my life and would be for my city.

  20. I think New Orleans is a pretty accurate account of what my city may look like. People are generally down to earth and agreeable, they like their leisure time. There is a constant struggle with self improvement. Where some aspects of the city are improving others are being laid to the way side or forgotten about. These forgotten about areas create their own cultures and ways of life. The fractured state of New Orleans is the heart of what makes the city thrive culturally. The rampant injustices and justices are what make this place a flawed playground of a city. Maybe one day New Orleans will get its act together, perhaps when it defines what justice is or what kind of city it really wants to be. But in a relative sense, it is perfect the way it is.

  21. My city would definitely be a tourist attraction. There would be many places to go and things do to that would be distinct to my city and my city alone. The terrain would be flat, not hilly or rocky, or dangerous. And the climate would definitely be on the cooler side of the spectrum, never too hot or humid, maybe a little snow but not a blistering winter, and always clear skies to where the moon and stars are visible (except for a few scattered showers). The climate and terrain would reflect my easy, breezy, and optimisitic attitude towards life and the tourist element would reflect my need for fun and a high regard for activity.

  22. In my city it would be big and diverse, yet, it would have a small town atmosphere where everyone is openly friendly to each other. The climate would be (preferably) hot and humid but, near enough to the ocean so there would be a tropical breee going through. The city would be economically excellent and the city would also have a nice sense of security, as well as a good system of eduacation to better future generations. There would too be many city parks were people could relax outside. My city is relatively nice, however, there would be an underground criminal dark side to the city that would represent the faults of my character. But, the security system of the city would kept the dark side in check if it gets out of hand and prevent other bad outside influences.

  23. My city like Socrates' would be utopian. Everything would be run in perfect balance and like clockwork. The seasons would change in perfect synchronization and it would never become unpleasant. The people would live under the motto, treat others the way you would want to be treated, and no one would want to break it, because they would always want to do right by everyone instead of just those whom they love because they would love everyone. Children would never have to grow up screwed up because of abuse because their parents (or parent) would put their needs over their own.

    There would be no crime, therefore there would be no need for police. This would mean no chance of intimidation or repression and freedom would not just be a right but an expectant. The best Education would be available for everyone in society so that they anyone would be free to pursue whatever they wished, to the fullest of their potential. People would not look for others for inspiration or leadership because they would have the courage to take matters concerning their lives into their own hands. There would be no blame or guilt or shame and people would never be judged by anything but their character instead of their appearance, race,gender,sexual orientation and or anything else people use to create barriers between themselves and others. T

  24. I think a city built to resemble my soul would be constantly under construction. I believe that a soul is a constantly changing element of a person, that may reflect that individual's experiences, and what they gained from those experiences. A city to reflect my soul would be fairly simple, its structures would not exceed necessity, although the architecture would be interesting, diverse, and aesthetically pleasing.

    The inhabitants of my city would be equally as diverse as the structures, and would also be in a constant state of change. These citizens would always be trying new things, and searching for that which truly makes them happy.

    Really, I feel like I can't give a concrete description of what my soul would look like manifested as a city, because I think my soul is constantly in motion, and undergoing change. Therefore, any city I describe right now may not be an accurate representation of my soul in just a few days.

  25. A city that resembles me? Hmm this could be interesting.

    If I had to describe what an ideal city would be in my perspective, would be a place where all locations are in close enough proximity to one another that having transportation is not a necessity. This would encourage exercise, interaction and more time with nature. In my city there would be strict policies against littering and any type of public disturbance. There would also be recycling bins on several blocks in the city and surrounding suburbs and in all neighborhoods, to motivate citizens to try to be environmentally helpful and considerate.

    I would want the buildings to be modest but yet unique and crafty, and in the business district the buildings would be larger. There would be clear division between homes, tourist areas, and business areas, this would keep peace, privacy and silence in peoples homes.

    In my city there would be several recreational facilities for young teens and adolescents and also students around all neighborhoods. These facilities would allow people to come play sports, games, watch movies/tv shows/sports, play video games, play or listen to music, and anything that would fall into the entertainment category, along with available tutoring and homework/study sessions. I would assure that these facilities offered different kinds of clubs: religious clubs, academic clubs, etc. This would encourage growing youth to spend their time wisely and actively, rather than resorting to rebellious activities.

    In the night life part of town, there would be a wide range of diverse venues: karaoke places, dance halls, restaurants, etc. There would be drinking limits for public areas, and locations. This would avoid disturbances of public intoxication, if a person wants to get highly intoxicated, they could do such at their own homes and not at the discomfort of others. In the same area as these venues, would be located, theme parks and amusement attractions for people to attend during daylight hours.

    At schools, ethnic/racial and diversity groups would be very pertinent and encouraged, this would help dissolve some of the prejudices and discriminatory ways in the making or already existent. There would be options to takes classes of religion (for students to have the option to take), and technical courses to teach students about electricity, vehicles, construction and so on. There would also be daycares on all campuses, high school and college, because we live in a realistic society and even though it would not be to encourage young and unprepared parenthood, it would allow students to continue with their education while having access to adequate support and assistance, while leaving their children in the safety of day care locations on their campus, this would be available at no cost or very low cost to the student.

    Maybe I went further into this, than necessary, and I could go on, but I just wanted to provide a "blueprint" of what an ideal society would be like in my eyes. I didn’t include many things regarding climate, beaches and all of that because that is not something that would really be in anyone’s control, so I was strictly thinking on sociological terms.

    Mary Mena
