Monday, September 6, 2010

Prometheus Bound Question 3 Due before 12:00 on Sept. 8

Turning now from a "Iron Age" text by Homer to a "Classical" Greek text by Aeschylus, name the most powerful character in Prometheus Bound. Do not forget to justify why you think the character you have chosen is the most powerful. It may help to define what power is.

Have fun with this text. It is one of my all time favorites.

Dr. Layne


  1. Concerning power, one should consider timing. If you think about telling a good joke or hitting a baseball it comes down to timing. If Prometheus would have tried to aid humanity after the fact he would have been bound, the god couldn't get off a rock for thirteen generations.

    So in one way Zeus has the power, for the majority of time he is dominating the relationship. However, if you consider the sequence of events, Prometheus is the game changer. And he is our protagonist.

  2. With regard to society, power is measured by one's authority or rule over people. The farther a leader's governance extends, the greater his influence is considered to be. Upon first reading, it seems as if Zeus is the most powerful because he has the authority to punish Prometheus for his disobedience. However, Prometheus emerges as the powerful hero because he is suffering unjustly for the deed of bringing fire to mankind, thus allowing civilization to flourish. Through his act of civil disobedience, Prometheus uses his power to bring good to man.

  3. Before this question can be answered effectively, the definition of power has to be laid out before discussing who has more or less of it. I will be using the Oxford English Dictionary's definition, which states "Ability to act or affect something strongly; physical or mental strength;..."

    Zeus has a certain physical strength, via his servants, over Prometheus. However, he does not have the ability to change things as strongly as Prometheus does. Prometheus has completely changed the balance of power between the gods and the humans. Zeus is punishing Prometheus so harshly because he is not able to change the fact that humans have been given the power to progress without the help of the gods. So in the end, Zeus is restraining Prometheus in an attempt to try to say that he, Zeus, has the power and not Prometheus. It is a show of strength, but a false one.

    There is also Prometheus knowing the future. This is an ability that Zeus does not have, and Prometheus says that someday Zeus will have to extend a hand of friendship despite his defiance against this new ruler. This proves, again, that Prometheus has the power and not Zeus. For if Zeus had more power, he would not need to rescind his punishment and dislike in order to gain Prometheus's power.

  4. In my opinion, Prometheus is the most powerful character of "Prometheus Bound".In accordance to the statement, "knowledge is power",despite the fact that Prometheus is physically incapable of acting in his defense, his mind is his weapon. He is the focal point of the play. He definitely symbolizes a fine and great figure in this drama piece. Prometheus embraces many features and personal traits that are commendable in both realms, mortal and divine.

    Prometheus is an insightful, innovative and shrewd, prophetic Titan. He is a victim of the overthrowing of Zeus. To my liking, he is also compassionate (unlike some people or Gods), empathetic to the brutal treatment inflicted on those by Zeus and the Olympians. As he himself endures extended suffering while bound to a rock, yet still maintaining his moral values and perceptions and thus encouraging them.

    Prometheus' humility as a god is admirable, as he surrenders his own free will in exchange for long days of torment, all for the greater good of humanity. He encompasses several layers in his person: as a god, an advocate of mankind, and figuratively giving origin to man’s competency, versatility and brilliance.

    Mary Mena
    September 7,2010 1:45 AM

  5. I think Prometheus is the most powerful character because he was able to help people by finding cures for illnesses and helping to domesticate animals to help with farming. He also possesses knowledge of future events in regards to Zeus. He is also concerned for Oceanus's well being as he does not want to cause trouble for others. So, he is kind, knowledgeable, and has the ability to see the future. This makes him a compassionate person and is more willing to help other people without wanting anything in return. This is different from some of the other gods that require sacrifices or something in return for their services.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Power can be thought of as “authority,” or “command,” or power can be thought of as “influence.” The command type of power is actual,(meaning it can get things done easier by force) but the influence type of power is more far-reaching and has a greater impact. Zeus, in this case has the command type of power. This is demonstrated when he punishes Prometheus for stealing and giving fire to mankind. Prometheus, however, has the influential type of power. He uses his influence (even over Zeus) to make humans more self-sufficient. He enables the human race to survive without the gods. This makes Prometheus the most powerful because his influence has a greater impact than Zeus' command or authority.

  8. Prometheus disobeyed Zeus, the supreme ruler of Mount Olympus and of all gods, because of his belief that mortals were not given a fair disposition. To go against mighty Zeus shows great power to me, but also to stand firmly for one’s beliefs despite what punishment may be given shows enormous inner strength. Many who have power have gained it either by inheritance or wealth, but this does not apply to Prometheus. I consider Prometheus to have gained his power through his inner strength, determination, and influence on the world. Despite being physically weaker than Zeus, Prometheus showed absolute physical strength is not necessary to create a change in the world. Prometheus not only gave mortals the gift of fire, but the gift of many arts and talents. As a side note, considering our corrupt government, shouldn’t those in power work to benefit all people? Prometheus saw injustice and tried to even the playing field. I consider Prometheus the most powerful character in Prometheus Bound.

  9. There are many different definitions and views of the term power. Two clear forms of power are portrayed through Zeus and Prometheus in "Prometheus Bound". In classic terms the word "power" would define the character of Zeus. He is the ruler of the Gods and has a title that technically lets him rule society as a whole. When I first read the question, I immediately thought Zeus was the most powerful because he controls everything. However, Prometheus shows a different kind of power by standing up to Zeus and going against him by giving fire to mankind. Prometheus shows that he is powerful in the fact that he is going to do what he thinks is right even if there are grave consequences because Zeus might not agree. In my opinion the answer to this question can be split in two due to different views of the word power. If we are looking at power as strength and dignity, Prometheus is the clear answer; while if power is defined as a ruler, or someone who makes laws and runs society, the answer would be Zeus.

  10. power: possession of control, authority, or influence over others

    Relating the term to one of the characters, one would think immediately of Zeus since he is the governing God and according to the book, the tyrant who enslaves others out of fear of his power. At the end of the story, one realizes that it is not Zeus who holds all the power but Prometheus. Prometheus holds a different power, power of intelligence.

    Prometheus's intelligence plays a major role throughout the play. He was the deciding factor that helped Zeus defeat the Titans by using guile. He also uses his knowledge to his power. Prometheus prophesized that Zeus will be overthrown by a greater force than his own and without this knowledge, Zeus will forever live in the shadows of his own death. Lastly, Prometheus used his knowledge to help the humans progress in the world by giving them the gift of fire and hope. Zeus is quickly angered by this and condemns Prometheus because this gives humans the advantage of slowly conquering nature which does away with the Gods and the rights that were strictly given to them.

    In this case, Knowledge is power and it’s the same power Prometheus holds over Zeus; despite his actions to bound him to a life of incompetence.

  11. Technically you could say both Zeus and Promtheus are powerful.

    Zeus is powerful in the fact that he has complete control of the other gods and has caused them to fear him to the point where no one will speak out or do anything against him and has Promtheus as a way of showing what kind of punishment he doles out and just how cruel he can be. So if one defines power has having full control over something, then Zeus would be the powerful one.

    However, Promethus' power happens to the ability to tell the future. So even though he gave the humans the gift of fire and other gifts which angers Zeus, because he knows what will happen to both him and Zeus, he has no reason to fear him. The fact that Promethus knows what will happen to him allows him to have a piece of mind and also gives him reasons to not fear Zeus, which takes away Zeus power of fear. So even though Zeus has complete control over other gods, he does not have that fear instilled in Promethus, creating a flaw in Zeus' power.

    So because Promethus has this knowledge over Zeus, he creates a problem for Zeus' power, causing Promethus to be the powerful one in this situation.

  12. Power is the ability to accomplish something and/or the possession of control over others (per dictionary; rephrased). If the first part of my statement is examined then everyone should have power. Everyone has the ability to accomplish anything. It is one’s choice to choose not to accomplish anything and in doing so, they have accomplished nothing. However, the second part of the definition “possession of control over others” is the most concrete definition of power. Therefore, in Prometheus Bound, power is split between two characters: Zeus and Prometheus. It is evident that Zeus has an immense amount of power because he is the ruler of all (gods and mortals). Throughout the play, characters (i.e. Hephaestus and Might) state that they must act accordingly to the laws of Zeus, unless they become equally punished. Zeus is constantly portrayed as the highest power that reigns supreme and without compassion. However, Prometheus has more power than Zeus. Prometheus, the Foresighted One, knows that his current situation is not his fate and that eventually he will be free. Prometheus also had the power to assist Zeus in the overthrow of his father, Cronos, using the skill of guile. There is also the factor of friendship that gives Prometheus the upper hand against Zeus. There are several characters in the book that will not completely obey Zeus and become ill mannered against Prometheus (i.e. Oceanus and Hephaestus) because he is their friend. Prometheus has the most power because he, unlike Zeus, is not feared but loved.

  13. The two main powers at odds here are Zeus and the titan Prometheus. While Zeus undoubtedly has more "power" than Prometheus as a god it is Prometheus who successfully usurps Zeus in his power over the humans by giving them fire. This so threatens Zeus that he orders Prometheus to be chained (or bound) up to a giant rock to slowly die. And while other gods give Prometheus sympathy there is nothing they can actually do, and Prometheus is not willing to back down from his conviction, despite the horrible punishment being brought upon him. For Prometheus knows he will always be remembered as the one that brought fire and saved the humans from Zeus and in that way, at least among the humans, would give him an almost god-like notoriety. Not only does this threaten Zeus' authority but also the social hierarchy of the gods. This story also has many analogs to the story of Christ's crucification. Here in Zeus we have the authoritarian power at large being threatened by Prometheus who only wants whats good for the people and is aware of what danger his heresy may bring upon him. Both Christ and Prometheus are in turn bound in some way and visited by a parade of sympathizers. This may be an overly easy comparison but I figured it was worth mentioning.

  14. This may be a bit of a stretch, but I consider humans to be the most powerful character in this play. Thanks to Prometheus, humans now have the ability to create fire, which in turn leads to a multitude of other powers such as curing illness, smelting iron, and firing clay. True, these powers only result from Prometheus' gift, but the fact of the matter is that Prometheus has committed an irreversible act in granting humans his own godly ability. They now possess this power. And why is Zeus so angry with Prometheus in the first place? Because he has essentially made humans just as powerful as the gods. Humans no longer have to rely on the gods for health, warmth, or protection. Their dependance on the gods has been greatly lessened, and the gods, including Prometheus, now must rely on humans for their continued glorification. The new power of humans is what sparks Zeus' fury with Prometheus, and it is thanks to the humans that Prometheus is eternally imprisoned. This makes the humans the most powerful character(s) thus far.

  15. Prometheus Bound contains two varying ideas of power: emotional and physical. Zeus, Lord of the Greek pantheon, obviously

    Prometheus accepts that even though he will be chained to the rock for all eternity, humanity will not suffer because of his rebellion. He even gains support from some of the other gods; Hephaestus has some regret about chaining up a fellow immortal and Oceanus swears that he will try to appeal to Zeus. (In this case, Zeus is very much like a boss's son whom everyone acts nice towards simply because of his position.)

  16. Although I am inclined to automatically say that Zeus is the most powerful becuase of who he is, the great god of the heavens, I would have to say that Prometheus has more power in this book by giving the element of fire to man. Of course Zeus is the great a powerful god of the heavens, I think Prometheus shows not only power by going against the established order, but also with how significant that gift will benefit mankind.

  17. Honestly in my opinion this question seems to have no real answer. Both Zeus and Prometheus have their moments but ultimately both characters exhibit flaws that cancel any notions that either is more powerful than the other.

    Zeus is a God. He has just about everything and everyone under his thumb. Yet he is not loved, he is feared. He also NEEDS Prometheus's knowledge and foresight to maintain control therefore He is not all powerful.

    Prometheus for all his chest puffing of being humanity's Santa clause really couldn't save himself from Zeus's wrath. Yes he takes his punishment in defiance but that still means he had to take it. Which means he had no choice in the matter. Which ultimately means he too is not all powerful.

    As such my answer is that neither can be considered "the most powerful" because they are both powerful in different ways and yet neither had enough power to cancel the others.

  18. I think Prometheus is the most powerful character in Prometheus Bound for three reasons. The first reason is Prometheus holds the information of who will one day defeat Zeus. This makes Zeus angry and Zeus punishes Prometheus more. I believe knowledge is power and Prometheus holds the knowledge of Zeus possible downfall. The second reason Prometheus is the most powerful character is that Prometheus was the deciding factor when Zeus was fighting the Titians. Without Prometheus Zeus might not be the supreme god. The last reason Prometheus is the most powerful character is his power he hold with humans. Prometheus is the reason why human civilization survives.

  19. Both Zeus and Prometheus have a great deal of power in “Prometheus Bound,” but Zeus has more. Zeus is able to make Prometheus suffer for a very long time because of his disobedience. Prometheus is able to use his power of knowledge to help mankind, but unfortunately for him, man does not worship Prometheus, and there should be something said for having all of humanity as followers. Zeus has the power because all the mortals worship him, he was able to make Prometheus suffer, and he is the ruler of Mount Olympus.

  20. In Prometheus Bound, Zeus is the most powerful character. When one thinks of power, one thinks of authority, influence, rule, and command. It’s evident that Zeus’s character embodies these characteristics. As god, Zeus reserves the right to implement rules and laws. He is the only one who is truly free. He is respected and regarded as a powerful god. His decisions are not questioned and those who dare to question them could be severely punished. Hephaestus was reminded of this when he felt pity and sadness towards Prometheus.

  21. Power can be defined as the ability to do or act capability of doing or accomplishing something. While it may seem to most people that Zeus would obviously be the most powerful character in “Prometheus Bound”, definitively he is not. Prometheus is the most powerful character because he had the capability to create man and accomplished it. Prometheus also went against the Gods ethics and acted on his own morals, giving men fire. While Prometheus was made to suffer he accomplished more the any of the other characters in the story.

  22. In terms of being able to dictate the social structure of the gods, Zeus is obviously the one calling the shots. The struggle for power is the underlying reason why Prometheus gets himself into this mess. Fire is a symbol for strength and power, and Zeus selfishly wants to be in control as to reassure himself of his status. Zeus holds the governing power on Olympus, while Prometheus is able to truly influence the worldview of the gods, a different and arguably more potent power. He suffers for the sake of mankind, a self-sacrifice if you will. He has the lasting impact on mankind which allows them to survive. He is not hated by the other gods, but challenges them to take on new perspectives. Prometheus can be viewed as a modern day radical, challenges the political structure of what is primarily a dictatorship.

  23. Many people consider Prometheus more powerful than Zeus because of his wisdom and ability to foresee the future. I disagree because if he were really the more powerful character, he would not have allowed himself to become bound. No one (not even guilty criminals) wants to be shackled. Prometheus is chained and instead of immediately reacting in a way to release himself, he has a "pity party" with the Oceanids. While it is commendable that he thought it alright to take the punishment in order to service the greater good, if he had been the most powerful,he could have just decreed that humans had the right to fire. Because he is subdued and Zeus remains overlord, Prometheus can not be consider the most powerful.

  24. Prometheus has the most mental and spiritual power in this play. While Zeus obviously has more physical power to break Prometheus, Prometheus ultimately get the better of Zeus by continuing to defy him even in his darkest hour. Even though chained and suffering humiliation at the hands of Zeus' vengeance, Prometheus' pride and will do not break in the face of Zeus' almighty rage. Through this, Prometheus may be granted title of the most powerful.

  25. At first glance one would assume Zeus is the most powerful character. He has Prometheus physically punished along with Atlas and Io and seems to "win" the argument during the story. However, Zeus's powerful acts all stem from his own fear. Zeus fears any and all that might usurp him from power. This fear drives all of his actions including punishing Prometheus. Because fear drives his actions, Zeus does not have real power and is a slave to his own fear.

    Prometheus on the other hand acts out progress and of his own prophecies. Prometheus is a sign of intelligence and progress at the beginning making him seem more powerful than Zeus because he acts rationally and willingly. Prometheus' prophecy of Zeus's downfall and needed him also give Prometheus power. This power of knowledge gives Prometheus a pathway to not fear his current predicament and even urge Hermes to give him more punishment.

  26. I think it's a little ironic that Zeus seems to be the most powerful character in Prometheus Bound because he does not actually appear as a character in the text. His character is only felt through the torturous punishment Prometheus is suffering—not at Zeus's hands, but at Hephaestus’s. Hephaestus expresses extreme remorse and sympathy for Prometheus and the circumstances under which he must bind him, but he does not act on the underlying impulse he has to disobey Zeus in freeing Prometheus. He is undoubtedly a weaker character in the play. Although Zeus is a power resonating throughout the text, he is not felt first hand. Only his actions, influence, and authority make him the "powerful" character we—the readers—seem desperate to declare him as. Even chained, tortured, and weak, Prometheus is the strongest character of the text, able and unafraid to question Zeus's authority and defy his will, however he is by no means the most powerful character; he is the only god lying in chains, getting his liver eaten out daily, after all. His friends, who are also gods, are not necessarily powerless to stop him, but simply too afraid to defy Zeus. I don’t really think a powerful character exists in the text, although I will agree the concept of authority and the viciousness associated with it are explored at great length in the play. It’s a little too finicky to declare the question unanswerable on the grounds that Zeus is not really a character, but I think Zeus’s absence is a genius move on Aeschylus’s part. The king of the gods’ authority and the hierarchy entitling him “king” is questionable, but not one character in the play is willing to change Prometheus’s tragically doomed fate to his chains under the fear of also being afflicted by Zeus’s rage.

  27. Although Zeus holds a higher position, Prometheus is the more powerful. He was able to bring fire to the humans and overcome Zeus, therefore allowing civilization to flourish and minimize their dependence on the Gods. Prometheus' intelligence and resistance left fear in the heart of Zeus, the supreme ruler. Prometheus knows because of his intelligence, Zeus will need him in the face of danger. The control he has over Zeus, and his ability to influence civilization, makes Prometheus the most powerful character in the play.

  28. I think that Zeus is the more powerful character because he has more resources and people follow him and are scared of him. Prometheus is smarter than Zeus but I think Zeus made smarter choices and that's why he can do whatever he wants and that's why he is on top. Prometheus demonstrates that force and intellect can't work together meaning intellect opposes force since intellect can be dominated by power. Just because someone is smart doesn't mean that they can't be overpowered by a greater force intellectual or not.

  29. Prometheus is the suffering protagonist who is chained to a rock because of his bravery and because he, like Achilles in the Iliad, challenges the order of things by showing humankind how to use fire and thus giving them the power to create new things. While Prometheus acts boldly (possibly heroically) in doing so, Zeus holds the real power in the situation. Zeus has the ability to inflict misery on Prometheus as punishment. On the other hand, Prometheus' power is that of baring his suffering with restraint and of holding firmly to his beliefs, even through Zeus'torture. I feel that Prometheus really demonstrates the idea of civil disobedience we discussed in class. He upholds his principles, even when he is at the mercy of all powerful Zeus.

  30. The definition of power is the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behavior of others or the course of events, or physical strength and force exerted by something or someone. In the reading, Zeus is displaying his power in front of all the gods while Prometheus' display of power towards the people is being harshly punished. A struggle for power and recognition is taking place. Zeus is trying to force his dominance upon his subjects by forcing them to submit to his will. In this sense Zeus is the most powerful. However, his power and control over his subjects obviously is not strong enough to have stopped Prometheus in the first place. Zeus' harsh display of power may just be a facade to cover the reality that his control is limited. Prometheus on the other hand, a once powerful god is now almost completely stripped of his power. He must now submit to the power of the chains that bind him.

  31. At first you believe that the power belongs to Zeus. Power is 'the possession of controlling influence', something that Zeus seems to clearly have. He shows his power by having Hephaestus bind Prometheus to the rock and even though Hephaestus says that he would rather let Prometheus go, he cannot disobey Zeus (he also knows this the hard way, having once already disobeyed Zeus). Even in the story of Atlas you see Zeus' power.

    But, looking closer, Zeus is just scared of revolt. He is frightened that what he did to his father Cronus will return to him. When Prometheus disobeyed him, Zeus believed he had to make an example of him. So, those who control his fear could be said to be more powerful.

  32. In Prometheus Bound, I feel that the most important character is Zeus simply because he seems to be the tyrant whom is feared and respected by all. He gives out the orders and everyone obeys him and follows his commands.

    He has jailed Prometheus because he feels that Prometheus has betrayed him by aiding the humans in the fight against the gods.

    Although Prometheus does seem to have somewhat of a power struggle as well because of his knowledge and because he has the key to the future, I still say Zeus is the most powerful in this point in time in this scenario.

  33. In my opinion Prometheus is the most powerful character. Prometheus gave fire, iron, and other useful tools to people against the will of Zeus. Zeus is the ruler of the Gods but Prometheus' actions can not be undone by Almighty Zeus. Prometheus and his actions landed him in chains but man continued to flourish in technology and the arts. Prometheus does claim that Zeus is the ruler of all gods but his power cannot change what is already done on Earth. Prometheus' disobedient actions and Zeus' inablity to change them make me believe Prometheus is the most powerful character.

  34. It seems evident that Zeus holds the power as all the other Gods’ are obeying him and he is the one ordering Might, Violence and Hephaestus to go lock Prometheus to the mountain for his punishment. Here, not only is Zeus demonstrating his absolute power as a ruler by the Gods’ obeying him but he also shows absolute power by being able to punish Prometheus. All the other Gods’ repeat to Prometheus that he will not be freed for a while as Zeus will most likely be strict with his power as all new rulers(tyrants) do. While Zeus holds the powerful role here, it is clear that Prometheus is more respectful. By trying to tell the humans not to use violence because they would easily lose, he was trying to benefit humanity, not just himself or the other Gods’. Here, Prometheus was trying to be a hero. He, a God, was putting himself second to the growth and development of the human race. This doesn’t happen often. While Zeus essentially does hold all power, Prometheus obviously does possess some as he refuses to bow down to him, despite threats of eternal imprisonment and punishment.

  35. In the beginning, it is evident that Zeus is the powerful one because of all the power he holds. This is made clear by the fact that everyone obeys him. Everyone also fears him because of his wrath. Kratus even said that one should be afraid of disobeying Zeus and questioning his orders. But along the lines, it becomes more clear that Prometheus is the powerful one. He was the only one who stood in Zeus' way when Zeus wanted to wipe out humanity. Prometheus did more for the betterment of humanity than he did for himself. He gave them fire, showed how to draw metals, and taught humans how to use numbers and language. Yes, Zeus might have what is now called the "military power" i.e. that he can cause wrath whenever he desires but Prometheus has given so much to humanity that it shows his love and dedication to the betterment of the human kind. Also, the fact that Prometheus stood up to Zeus showed his willingness to do what he thought was right. It looks like Zeus is somewhat afraid of Prometheus because of all that he has done for humanity.

  36. The most powerful character in the play for me was Prometheus. I considered him the most powerful because of all the things he did for the humans and defying Zeus's will. Zeus may be the all mighty and powerful and king of gods, but the way Prometheus used his powers for the good of man kind overcomes a god that is not kind. People react to helpfulness and kindness over fear. Prometheus also stood up to Zeus and accepted the punishment that was given to him. He even foresees the future and knows that what Zeus has done to him was wrong and later he will be punished for the wrong he has done to Prometheus, who was just trying to make mankind better, but not equal to the gods. Zeus could have possibly saw this as a threat and reacted the way he did, but Prometheus stood his ground and did not deny what he did. He holds the power within himself and defys the king of gods and accepts the punishment for what he has done.

  37. I believe that Prometheus is the most powerful character in this book because he is still able to influence others even when his physical powers are taken away. People still want his opinion and guidance even though he has ended up bound to a rock and cannot exert any power over others. Power is the ability to influence other people and while Zeus may use his physical powers to force people to do what he wants, Prometheus is able to influence people even when his physical powers are taken away thus making him the more powerful character.

  38. My natural and original answer to this question would have been Zeus for obvious reasons. However, I do believe that Prometheus is the bravest and the strongest character in Prometheus Bound because of his thoughtfulness for humanity. Prometheus was willing to sacrifice himself for the good off all mankind, because fire is such an essential element. Prometheus later proves himself even more because of his attempts in stepping forward in the sciences etc. Zeus’ pettiness automatically makes Prometheus the hero of this tale.

  39. Michael Guiden

    After reading the story I would say that Zeus is the most powerful character. Zeus punishes Prometheus for stealing fire, and most importantly for ruining his plan to eliminate the human race. At the end of the story Zeus is angry that Prometheus has a plot to overthrow him. Prometheus doesn't tell Zeus what the plot is. Zeus then strikes him with a thunderbolt which sends Prometheus into the abyss.

    It is obvious to me that Zeus has all of the power. Zeus had Prometheus chained up through the whole story and at the end he ended up striking Prometheus with a thunderbolt.

  40. Power can be defined as possession of controlling influence. Going off of this definition, Prometheus clearly is the most powerful character in this story. His actions (giving blind hope and fire to humanity) is the reason he has been bound to the rock by Zeus. This means that he holds influence over Zeus in the form of a threat. He also has an overwhelming influence on humanity, by giving them the gift of blind hope and FIRE, essential to the existence of humanity. If you look closely, everyone acts and is influenced by Prometheus. The Chorus flies down from the heavens solely to hear the whole story from Prometheus of why he did what he did. Thus, based off of the above definition of power, I feel that Prometheus is the most powerful character in the story.

    -Brian Fleischer

  41. Both Zeus and Prometheus share a great deal of power in Aeschylus' Prometheus Bound, the former with a more concrete omniscience and the latter with abstract vigilance. For instance, while Zeus has the power to control Prometheus' physical situation, i.e. bonding him to a boulder, torturing him, turning friends (in act, at least) against him; while Prometheus finds his power in the strength of his will to resist Zeus' punishment and internalize his pain. However, I think the most powerful characters in this drama are "the three-shaped Fates and mindful Furies," as referenced about halfway through the text. For, according to Prometheus' "Chorus," "even [Zeus] cannot escape what is foretold," and since these two characters are the "helmsmen of Necessity," they dictate both Prometheus' and Zeus' fates regardless of whatever illusions of power they feel they have over each other or others.

  42. In order to determine the most powerful character, I think it is important to see how both Prometheus and Zeus are viewed among their peers. While Zeus holds power simply because he is a god, Prometheus holds power among the people. Prometheus consistently puts the concerns of others before himself, in order to better the situation of those around him. Prometheus is respected then because of how selfless and genuinely thoughtful he is. Zeus, however, does only what it necessary to keep himself in power- i.e. the use of force, persuasion etc... Prometheus it seems not really care for "power", but rather the well-being of his peers. What Zeus does to maintain power is very simple, in some ways, to what people in today's society do. Except instead of using force, people often use ideas or beliefs to convince others that what they say is true. The comfort of power often leads people, especially in today's society, to do things that do not benefit anyone but themselves. In the short run then it would seem that Zeus would be the most powerful character. However, in the long run, it will be Prometheus's dedication to others that will prove to be the most lasting and powerful.

  43. In the book, "Prometheus Bound", it is evident that Zeus is very powerful in the sense that he rules others by driving fear inside of them. Desiring to please Zeus for their own sakes, not many people went against him.

    This is why I find Prometheus to be the more powerful character in this book. He knows what the results of his going against Zeus is. He is even punished and chained to a rock because of it. Prometheus desired to help the people learn even iif it meant going against Zeus. He followed his convictions no matter what the cost. This is why I find him more powerful then Zeus in this story.

  44. In terms of physical power, I believe that Zeus is the most powerful. He rules by fear and it has kept his followers by his side. He is the God of the heavens and when Prometheus threatens that, Zeus uses his power to remove Prometheus from the situation. However, Prometheus has the power of knowledge which normally overcomes power by force. His determination to endure the "thousands of pains" shows his strength and gives a clue to the possibility of knowledge overcoming power by fear and force.

  45. Though this is a completely different answer from the rest, I feel like Chorus is the most powerful character in the story. Chorus is not one of the main characters whose power we see but is still very powerful. The Chorus is able to glide between both worlds; Prometheus' and Zeus' because they have not outwardly offend Zeus. They also are able to know all the secrets, like that of Pandora, Prometheus' work on Earth, Io and the fate of Zeus. With this information, that could possible do anything they want. They could info others, hold it against Zeus' head, tell Zeus and punish Prometheus more; the possibilities are endless. I think knowledge is something that is incredibly powerful thing.

  46. In this context power can be described in two different ways. One way to describe power is through authority and physical strength. This power poses the authority to influence others because they have a higher office of authority. This power can influence the world without the disagreement from others. Zeus demonstrates this power because he does have a higher authority or rank then any other God. He is the creator of the rules and doesn’t have pity for those that disobey his rules. Another type of power doesn’t have any authority but they are powerful in their thoughts and knowledge. This power can still influence those around them but it’s not a forceful influence. Prometheus holds this type of power, he has moral values, this sets him apart from Zeus and this is why he is shown sympathy from the other Gods. Zeus uses his power to condemn those around him that disobey his rules, like Prometheus did. Prometheus uses his power for knowledge and he takes great pride in helping the mortals even though it has bounded him.

  47. Although Prometheus displayed his power by giving the humans the power of fire, I believe it is Zeus that is most powerful. Although Prometheus, good and noble, went against Zeus' desires in doing this act he is still under Zeus' rule. If Prometheus were the most powerful he would not be on a mountain chained to a rock. Also, the other gods who agree with what he did to deserve such a punishment would not dare release him because they are afraid to go against Zeus and suffer the consequences. Although i do not believe Prometheus is the most powerful in this passage, I do believe that he is the most dangerous to the gods because he sticks to his beliefs and went through with this deed in order to save the humans from eternal dependence on the gods or their inevitable demise.

  48. Prometheus is the most powerful character. Beyond all of Prometheus' accomplishments, any man (or Titan...)who is able to distract and/or anger the Gods' attention enough to cause him to be struck down to the abyss is powerful beyond all measure. Like Achilles, John the Baptist or JFK, his name is forever entombed in the hearts and minds of men...that, regardless of the status of his power. In death (or Hades), he lives on.

  49. While sitting in our modern day Library, enjoying the comfort of a cushioned chair and a hot cup of coffee it is hard not to be grateful for Prometheus heroic sacrifice for the sparking of human "progress". But along with our societies millennia of progress comes new technologies of incomprehensible destruction and abhorrent evil. In my opinion the verdict is still out on wether Prometheus is our races hero or our worlds bane. Perhaps Zeus' cruel punishment is not tasteless discipline, but rather appropriate foresight. Perhaps Zeus is the real hero, that was a little too late. As an optimistic person, I'd prefer to assume otherwise.
